The Project

'Wh sleep when you can watch the sun rise?' is a project established in May 2008. The idea emerged when I stayed the night at my friend's house, and learnt that she doesn't sleep. Seriously, doesn't sleep.

As an 'over six hours a night' sleeper, I have become fascinated by sleeplessness. I am coming to realise that there are millions of people all over the world, who for one reason or another do not sleep.

There are two phases to the project. The first invites all eager participants to post evidence (writing, photos, video, sound scape etc.) of their sleepless activities onto this blog. 

Maybe you like to clean, or cook or garden. 
Maybe you are kept awake by sounds, or other people.

The second phase invites you to:

1) log on at the time of your waking and record the time.
2) Post approx. 100 words of free association. 

 Anyone can do this at any time.

Every morning I will wake up at 7am (EST) and choose a sentence or an idea from one of these free associations and post it on the blog, along with the recorded waking time of the blogger. 

Using this as stimulus, bloggers are invited to create a work of art. The only requirement is that evidence of the piece must be posted onto the site by 6.30pm that night (Australian EST). 

In addition I will create a piece of choreography to the stimulus each day. My time signature will be dictated by the time the person records their free association. For example. 4.15am, means that I will have to create 4 actions/movements, and fit them into 15 counts. 

These movements will be explained and posted onto the site every Sunday, for people to learn at their own leisure and post video of their own interpretation. This will culminate in a live performance project. Details will emerge as the project takes shape.

The project will last for 365 days.

Have fun!

'At the still point of the turning world, there would be no dance, and yet, there is only dance.'  - TS Eliot.

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